Community Testimony
What is the Community Testimony?
To say that we value community is an understatement. It is the foundation and the manifestation of our pastoral care. As a comparatively small spiritual group that operates on volunteer resources, we get to know each other fairly well.
Because we don’t have a hierarchy, we all provide pastoral care to each other and that’s the spiritual glue that unifies our community. Our doors are open to all – we welcome visitors who come once to worship, visitors who attend an event, those who stop by now and then, Friends from other meetings all over the world, and those who show up and stay for years!
On this page, we share about Quaker community – at Amesbury Friends Meeting, at our yearly meeting (New England)…and with Friends worldwide.

We support each other through thick and thin. We feel like “family.”

Community is Everything
“There is that of God in everyone” –
in our community locally and globally…
…like we said – in everyone. 🙂

Community is Everything
“There is that of God in everyone” –
in our community locally and globally…
…like we said – in everyone. 🙂

Quaker Potlucks
We gather once a month at the home of a Friend to share a meal and enjoy social time.

Margaret Fell once stated:
“The Presence is in the pasta. When we seek the Light it can be found among the potluck casseroles.”
Just kidding!
We have no evidence that Margaret Fell ever said that. 🙂

Our Spiritual Journeys
We support each other on our spiritual journeys, both during the joyous times and in times of pain and struggle.
We Share and We Care
There really is a sense of family. We step up when an individual or family is in need, like times of physical infirmities or when we are less mobile or able-bodied from a medical procedure or in general.
New England Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions – Quaker Conference
Friends from Quaker Meetings all over New England gather for six days in August to be in community, worship and learn together, make big decisions and have a lot of fun.

A special message to Amesbury Friends Meeting from Diane Randall,
the Executive Secretary of Friends Committee on National Legislation.

Worldwide Quaker Community Connections
Digital Ministry Connects Quakers of the WorldThrough our digital ministry, by way of Facebook, we are able to connect virtually with Friends around the globe.

Friends General Conference shared two graphic images from our Facebook page and tagged our Facebook page.

Quaker Prison Ministry in Kenya shared our Facebook post.
Perhaps they got a kick out of the snow.

Ed is Way Cooler Than You Think!

Friends in Latvia shared our Facebook video with their followers.
(we had to check our world map to remember where Latvia is)

Friends from Blackburn Quaker Meeting in England shared our post.

We hosted our Quarterly Meeting in April 2019. We made new friends, our photographer took some photos and we shared them on Facebook.
Pages of the Other Testimonies: