“There is that of God in everyone.” – George Fox (1624-1691)
“There is that of God in everyone.”
– George Fox (1624-1691)
Hybrid Meeting for Worship – In-Person & on Zoom
We Ask That You Follow These IN-PERSON Guidelines: (even if you are vaccinated)
We encourage all who attend worship to be vaccinated.
Please do not attend if you feel ill or have had close contact with someone known to have COVID.
Masking is optional at this time.
Masking is recommended for those who are immunocompromised or in a high-risk category.
Please respect the boundaries of those in attendance who wish to distance (indoors and outdoors).
Please only have physical contact with those who have given permission (ask first).
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
Hybrid Meeting for Worship – In-Person & on Zoom
Please Follow These IN-PERSON Guidelines: (even if vaccinated)
We encourage all who attend worship to be vaccinated.
Please do not attend if you feel ill or have had close contact with someone known to have COVID.
Masking is optional at this time.
Masking is recommended for those who are immunocompromised or in a high-risk category.
Please respect the boundaries of those in attendance who wish to distance (indoors and outdoors).
Please only have physical contact with those who have given permission (ask first).
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer.

We're a Community of "ALL"
All are welcome. All may share during worship. All may participate in decisions.
All may contribute to creating and sustaining our accepting, loving community.
Join us Sunday at 10:00 am and find out what we’re “All” about! 🙂
See our Suggestions for Newcomers
Wheelchair Accessible
Assistive Listening System
We're a community of "ALL"
All are welcome.
All may speak during worship.
All may participate in decisions.
All may contribute to creating and sustaining our accepting, loving community.
Join us Sunday at 10:00 am and find out what we’re “All” about! 🙂
See our Suggestions for Newcomers
Wheelchair Accessible
Assistive Listening System
You’ll likely feel at home here at Amesbury Quaker Meeting if:
✅ You’re seeking a spiritual community committed to acceptance and compassion
✅ You’re interested in deepening your spiritual life
✅ You like that all have the option to minister through inspired messages during worship
✅ You like having your opinion sought and respected for decisions large and small
✅ You know in your heart that armed conflict is not the answer
✅ You want to live in a world with gender equality
✅ You value diversity and feel strongly about social justice
✅ You appreciate the simple things in life
✅ You like Oats (just kidding) 🙂
You’ll likely feel at home here at Amesbury Quaker Meeting if:
✅ You’re seeking a spiritual community committed to acceptance and compassion
✅ You’re interested in deepening your spiritual life
✅ You like that all have the option to minister through inspired messages during worship
✅ You like having your opinion sought and respected for decisions large and small
✅ You know in your heart that armed conflict is not the answer
✅ You want to live in a world with gender equality
✅ You value diversity and feel strongly about social justice
✅ You appreciate the simple things in life
✅ You like Oats (just kidding) 🙂
You’ll likely feel at home here at Amesbury Quaker Meeting if:
✅ You’re seeking a spiritual community committed to acceptance and compassion
✅ You’re interested in deepening your spiritual life
✅ You like that all have the option to minister through inspired messages during worship
✅ You like having your opinion sought and respected for decisions large and small
✅ You know in your heart that armed conflict is not the answer
✅ You want to live in a world with gender equality
✅ You value diversity and feel strongly about social justice
✅ You appreciate the simple things in life
✅ You like Oats (just kidding) 🙂
Quaker Principles
Peace & Nonviolence
Equality and Social Justice
Quaker Principles
Peace & Nonviolence
Equality and Social Justice
See our new Anti-Racism Resources page
Fast-Track FAQs
Top burning questions of newcomers
What the heck do Quakers do during worship?
Do Quakers have strict beliefs? What are they?
Why don't you have a minister?
So you all are Amish?
Have more questions?
Visit the FAQ Page of New England Yearly Meeting
Quaker Ways & Stories
Videos for First Day School, Newcomers & Long-time Friends
Amesbury Quakers CALENDAR of EVENTS
Some meetings don’t happen on the same day of the month.

Join us for our Meeting for Business or PSCC.

Monthly Meeting for Business
All are welcome to attend our monthly Meeting for Worship for Business. Everyone has a voice. Meeting for Worship for Business is held the Third Sunday of the Month (except August & December) 11:30 am – 1:30 pm.
Peace & Social Concerns Committee
THESE MEETINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS HELD ON THE SAME SUNDAY of the month. We suggest that you get on our announcement list to receive emails alerting you to the PSCC meetings. You can be added by sending a request to: clerk [at] amesburyquakers.org This is the monthly meeting of the committee that represents the Peace Center.
We've got plenty to celebrate!
Yes, we’re troubled by the injustices in the world and we do our part individually and together to work for change.
And we are grateful for the community we’ve created – one that’s filled with love and sometimes challenges. A community that embraces all – individuals, couples, families.
We have each other…and that’s what matters.
You in?
We've got plenty to celebrate!
Yes, we’re troubled by the injustices in the world and we do our part to work for change.
And we are grateful for the community we’ve created – one filled with love and sometimes challenges. A community that embraces all – individuals, couples, families.
We have each other…and that’s what matters.
You in?
Our Meetinghouse Was Part of the Amesbury Historic Sites Tour on May 27, 2018
Connection Between Whittier and Our Meeting:
Click to watch our video:Posted by Amesbury Quakers - May 3, 2018 - Whittier & Friends Meetinghouse
Whittier’s work as a poet and abolitionist was strongly influenced by his Quaker faith and commitment to Quaker principles.
As part of the 350th Birthday Celebration of Amesbury, Massachusetts, there was a Tour of the Amesbury Treasures – Seventeen historic sites throughout the city. Our Meetinghouse was one of them! As well as Whittier’s home that is now the Whittier Home Museum.
We were pleased to welcome hundreds of visitors on May 27, 2018, share the history of our Meetinghouse and answer questions about the spiritual life of Quakers.
How Have We Carried On for Over 300 Years?
How Have We Carried On for Over 300 Years?
What About the Oats?
The Oats have kept the Quaker name and we have maintained our reputation for honesty. Not only have Quakers never sued for a copyright infringement but the Oats company actually tried to sue a company owned by authentic Quakers for infringing on their copyright! But that’s not even the funniest part…
What About the Oats?
The Oats have kept the Quaker name and we have maintained our reputation for honesty. Not only have Quakers never sued for a copyright infringement but the Oats company actually tried to sue a company owned by authentic Quakers for infringing on their copyright! But that’s not even the funniest part…