What is “Meeting for Worship?”

It’s what Quakers call our Sunday 10:00am worship hour. We have an “Unprogrammed Meeting” worship format – find out what that means on our Quakerism page. (see the video on that page)


From Ted Leigh about our recent Worship Sharing Circle:

On Sunday, June 3, 2018, Amesbury Friends Meeting’s Ministry and Counsel held a “Worship Sharing” circle. The topic was: “Why do I come to Meeting for Worship?” and “What are my expectations when I come?”


During Worship Sharing each person shares their feelings about the topic and when they’re finished there is an interval of silence before the next speaker, which invites a heart response.


On this day there were 24 speakers in the hour allotted. We each spoke for two to three minutes.


There developed a live current among us as we all listened deeply to each other’s experiences and understandings. We were a diverse group connected by a force beyond words. When this current develops during Meeting for Worship, Quakers call it a “Gathered Meeting.”


Friends then shared for two minutes each about their experiences and practices in worship.

Included were mentions of gathered energy, allowing Spirit to come to them, practicing acceptance of others, developing kindness and usefulness, listening to the messages of others, connecting with the Light of God, being with a group trying to live their values, and simply coming for the silence and to reflect on what they are grateful for.

If you want to know more about Amesbury Friends our newcomers page is a good place to start.

Find out what to expect at Meeting for Worship.

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