Amesbury Friends Peace Center
The Peace Center (founded 2009)
The Amesbury Friends Peace Center is a program sponsored by the Amesbury Friends Meeting to sustain our longstanding Quaker practice of peace education and activism. We are committed to the expression of kindness and compassion in our daily lives, and we promote and teach nonviolence locally to do our part globally.
The Peace Center sponsors a wide variety of events – workshops, educational seminars, thought-provoking films & discussions, concerts, and exhibits on peace-related issues. At our meetinghouse, we have a library of materials related to peace work, including counter-recruitment, conflict resolution, peaceful parenting, peace books for children, and more.
To be a safe, welcoming space for peace-promoting activities that is accessible to all people. It is the hub of a wheel connecting individuals and organizations working for peace, justice and the prevention of violence in all its relationships at all levels. Its efforts are based on a universal culture of peace and the Quaker belief that there is that of God in every person.

See our page of PEACE RESOURCES
For upcoming Peace Center events
see our Events Calendar
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See our page of Immigration Resources
The Peace Center Program
The Program of the Amesbury Friends Peace Center is centered in our Quaker Meetinghouse, a facility to be used as a place for meetings, workshops, performances, and fun.
We sponsor events such as an educational series, show films of interest, have occasional concerts and workshops and feature exhibits on peace-related issues (see Calendar for current events). In addition, we have materials from peace organizations, book lists for suggested reading, brochures on truth in recruitment, political action, etc.
For those who would like to work legislatively toward change, see the Take Action section on this page. The Friends Committee on National Legislation has the largest number of peace lobbyists in Washington, D.C. Join FCNL’s Action Alert program today!
We invite those working for peace and non-violence to consider using our Meetinghouse for their meetings. We would like to partner with other kindred organizations to promote their efforts to encourage a culture of peace. To find out more, see Use of the Meetinghouse.
We also have Peace Links for those who would like to learn more about peace efforts in and beyond our community. Have we left off a worthy organization? Let us know!! Contact us.

Take Action
Local Advocacy
Attending rallies and vigils is important and brings us together as a community. But in regard to affecting change, it’s far more effective to express your concerns directly to the representatives of your district in the statehouse. In Massachusetts, we have a State Representative and a State Senator. In other states, they go by other titles.
Read our blog article that features a segment by our member and former State Rep, Barbara Hildt, who offers recommendations for effective social justice advocacy and guidelines for how to do it.
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) defines itself as “a Quaker lobby in the public interest.” FCNL puts into the field the largest team of registered peace lobbyists in Washington.
Join FCNL’s Action Network – Become a Grassroots Advocate.
Find Your Legislator by clicking link.
- Subscribe to Friends Committee on National Legislation’s Action of the Week for Peace and Justice.
Preventing War * Nuclear Calendar * Middle East Update *
Federal Budget and the Economy * Climate, Energy, Security
Native Americans * Landmine Ban * FCNL Wash. Newsletter