Amesbury Friends Peace Resources
Peace Resource Center
We have pamphlets and materials on topics of current interest as well as booklists and suggested readings. We have a small library for current books of interest, peace paraphernalia and particularly children’s books. We welcome suggestions for additions to our collection. For videos, PBS Point of View and the American Friends Service Committee Video Library are great resources.
Global Art Project – Mission is to create a culture of peace through art. An International Art Exchange for Peace.
Children’s Peace Books – Books for children are a way to broaden minds and influence behavior.
Immigrant’s Rights
American Friends Service Committee has an excellent list of organizations concerned with immigrant rights.
Peace and Social Justice
Nonviolence Trainings – A partnership of Nonviolence Training Organizations
Peace Resources Bibliography – Excellent list created by the Illinois Yearly Meeting of Friends.
San Antonio Peace Center – an excellent selection of currently available books on peace. Can be ordered directly from Amazon.
Personal/Spiritual Peace
Quaker Singing and Songs – music for and by Quakers and peace.
Truth in Recruitment
Center on Conscience and War – Pamphlets and other materials for young men and registering.
American Friends Service Committee’s Youth and Militarism – Much information on the website about recruiting practices, alternatives to military service, conscientious objection
Iraq Vets Against the War – Truth in Recruiting – Information on war resistance and their “truth in recruiting” campaign.
War and Peace
Peace Magazine – Published by Canadian Disarmament Information Service (CANDIS).
Nobel Peace Laureates – Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Heroines of Peace – Stories about the nine women who have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Support the Peace Center!
Too busy to get involved but feel a strong commitment to Peace work?
You can help us financially.
Make a contribution by sending a check to:
(we will soon have an online donation portal)
Amesbury Friends Peace Center
120 Friend Street
Amesbury, MA 01913
Your contributions are tax deductible. The Peace Center is part of the Amesbury Friends Meeting which is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Please also check with your company about doubling your contribution through their matching contribution program.
Kids as Peacemakers
Opening of the Peace Center
Peace Vigil
Peace Organization Links
Many organizations have been effective in peace-making work of all kinds. This page features lists of organizations we think are effective. We have a separate list for Quaker organizations which have been pioneers in working for peace for many generations.
Please note – we have compiled this list as a resource. While it includes many organizations, we do not necessarily subscribe to every one of their policies. We assume our visitors will be able to make up their own minds about the organizations.

Quaker Peace Organizations
Since 1660 Quakers have been working for peace. Listed below are some of the organizations the Quakers have created to help in that effort.
Alternatives to Violence – A nationwide and worldwide association of volunteer groups offering experiential workshops in conflict resolution, responses to violence, and personal growth in prisons, schools, and communities.
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – The American Friends Service Committee carries out service, development, social justice, and peace programs throughout the world. Founded in 1917 by Quakers, the AFSC won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.
American Friends Service Committee, New England – “While we administer over twenty programs in diverse community settings, our work falls into four primary areas: youth, social justice, economic justice, and peace building.”
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)– A Quaker peace lobby in the public interest, focusing on issues of war and peace, immigration, disarmament, environment, etc.
Friends for Peace – An online campaign to show the faces and commitment of the pro-peace majority in a nonpartisan public witness to end the war in Iraq.
Friends Peace Teams – Friends Peace Teams is a Spirit-led organization working around the world to develop long-term relationships with communities in conflict to create programs for peacebuilding.
My Lai Peace Park Project – Since 1994 the Quaker Meeting in Madison Wisconsin has been helping the people of My Lai, Vietnam, rebuild and to “resolved to break that chain of hatred and to find ways to re-humanize people who had been de-humanized.” –
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) – Quaker UN offices in New York andGeneva work to abolish war and work toward a peaceful resolution of conflict, human rights, economic justice and good governance.

Local Peace Organizations
These organizations are found in and around Northeastern Massachusetts or have a chapter nearby. There are many paths to peace and all these groups are attempting to make the world a better place. We hope you will consider supporting them.
Domestic Violence
Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center. Serves victims of domestic violence in the Greater Newburyport, MA area.
Refugee Immigration Ministry. An interfaith organization of community-based resettlement of asylum seekers and refugees.
Pennies for Poverty. A volunteer group whose purpose is fundraising, promoting volunteerism, & raising awareness about poverty in Newburyport, MA.
Spiritual Peace
Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (Chime). An interfaith program “to train and support people to be of service through skill and spiritual practice. ”
House of Peace. One High Street, Ipswich, MA 01938; 978 356-9395. no website.
Peace Abbey. A multi-faith retreat center in Sherborn, MA.
Peace and Justice
American Friends Service Committee, New England – “While we administer over twenty programs in diverse community settings, our work falls into four primary areas: youth, social justice, economic justice, and peace building.”
Amnesty International, Merrimack Valley Group. Meets in Newburyport on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Rob Burnham contact – 978.462.8249. See Amnesty USA – Northeast for broader group of activities.
Massachusetts Peace Action – works for peace and justice in the Boston area and beyond.
Merrimack Valley People for Peace. Committed to “the interrelated activities of education for peace and justice, the prevention of war, an end to arms sales, the abolition of nuclear weapons, and protection of the environment.”
Merrimac Valley People for Peace Radio List. Information on radio stations around Boston for more independent peace information.
Merrimack Valley Project. A group of faith, labor, and community leaders work “to unite people across the region’s widening racial, ethnic, and economic rifts in common action to strengthen our communities. ”
United for Peace and Justice – A coalition of peace and justice organizations and community peace groups in the Greater Boston region. The UJP Coalition, formed after September 11th, “seeks global peace through social and economic justice.” Excellent calendar of peace events all over the area.
Women’s Peace Organizations
Women’s Action for New Directions. WAND empowers women to take political action.
Prison Reform
Our Prison Neighbors – Recruits, supports and expands the role of volunteers in Massachusetts prisons.
Puppies Behind Bars. Trains inmates to raise puppies to become service dogs for the disabled and veterans as well as explosive detection canines for law enforcement.
Truth in Recruiting
Center on Conscience and War. Working to “extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors to war and violence.”
Iraq Veterans Againstt the War –
Veterans and Peace
Iraq Veterans Against the War –
North Shore Chapter of the Veterans for Peace, Veterans For Peace, Inc. is a national 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war. Local chapters are formed in every state.
National Peace Organizations
A list of organizations working at the national level for peace, justice, truth in recruiting, and against war.
Alternatives to Violence Project (USA) – Workshops in conflict resolution and alternative ways to respond to and recognize our own violence, for prisons, community groups, and schools.
Americans for Middle East Understanding. Since 1968 “The Link” published bi-monthly has challenged stereotypes about the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Books, videos and other publications are also available.
Amnesty International USA – Mission is “to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.”
Center On Conscience and War -. Working to “extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors to war and violence.”
Code Pink – CODEPINK is a “women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities.”
Iraq Veterans Against the War – Campaign for “Truth in Recruiting.”
National Coalition of Homeless Veterans – Goal is to end homelessness among veterans.
One Percent Peace Army – Goal is to inspire 1% of the world’s population (60 million) to stand up for a non-violent world.
The Peace Alliance – National campaign to establish a U.S. Department of Peace.
Physicians for Social Responsibility – The “medical and public health voice working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and the toxic degradation of the environment.”

International Peace Organizations
Below is a list of peace organizations that operate on a global scale or have information about the world and peace efforts in it.
African Great Lakes Initiative (AGLI) of the Friends Peace Teams.African Great Lakes Initiative strengthens, supports and promotes peace activities in the Great Lakes region of Africa.
***See an incredibly moving clip about the power of reconciliation in the Rwanda Healing Project run by AGLI.
Alternatives to Violence International (AVP)– AVP is a training program enabling participants to deal with potentially violent situations in new and creative ways.
Amnesty International – . Worldwide movement for the internationally recognized human rights for all.
Control Arms Campaign – Control Arms is a campaign jointly run by Amnesty International, IANSA and Oxfam to diminish the arms trade.
Doctors without Borders –
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is the largest, oldest Interfaith Peace organization in the United States and is dedicated to the promotion of nonviolent
Global Issues website – Many articles and statistics. Stopped 10-08 but valuable information from the past.
The Halo Trust – works to eliminate landmines and debris of war all over the world.
Human Rights Watch is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights.
Mercy Corps – International aid and development organization for 30 years.
One World – is an online hub publishing news on global issues and providing support to non-profits working to create a better world. Alternative to mainstream media.
Peace and Collaborative Development Network – Free professional networking site to foster dialogue and sharing of resources in international development and related fields.
Seeds of Peace -Since 1993, Seeds of Peace has been dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions of conflict with the leadership skills required to advance reconciliation and coexistence.
Note: Dallas Peace Center has a good list of international peace organizations.